March 2023 Newsletter
Pension protests but also a bright side with recommendations, a concert and a chocolate pudding
To listen:
While I’ve gone to plenty of concerts in my time, my music taste isn’t what one would call ‘sophisticated’ (unless you count Justin Bieber as sophisticated? I spent at least £100 on his concert back in the ‘Baby’ era. No? Moving on). So, since moving to France and living with a man who sings at any opportunity (surprisingly not in his sleep but there’s still time), plays the guitar, listens to music as he washes up, cooks, etc., French music has broken through this unworldly exterior and taken nest in my subconscious. Here is a collaboration between three famous French musicians that I recommend you listen to, and take it from me, and if you don’t trust my musical taste then take it from Gaylord, it’s really quite beautiful, with or without knowing the language. Two weeks ago, Gaylord and I went to their concert (at the cinema! Unfortunately no crowd surfing was possible) which I describe below in this newsletter.
To read:
For pure, idyllic escapism to the other side of the world, read Thistles and Kiwis. Barbara relocated to Wellington in New Zealand and her whole blog soaks you in a bubble bath of tranquillity as she shares her purchases from the local farmers markets, the restaurants she visits, and the beautiful flowers from her garden. A delightful, peaceful read if ever there was one.
Amélie is now my unofficial French teacher. Thanks to her conversational dialogues twice a week, I really have no excuse not to learn French! Each dialogue centres on an interesting topic - forget memorising what you did at the weekend, how about discussing which historical figure you’d most like to meet? So, if you’re interested in learning the ‘language of love’, set aside the text books and learn real conversational French.
To check out:
To many of us food obsessives, food is art. My dear friend Harriet-Jade Harrow is an incredibly creative and skilled illustrator and has taken that concept literally, blending the two mediums to mould and shape a dish. A few years ago, she painted and collaged this unbelievable picture of soda bread for my blog - all those bubbles and air pockets must have taken her days and they look like you could dive straight through them and live ensconced in a warm, buttery slice. Her birthday cake illustrations are some of my favourites; each is so textured with its own decorative plate, you could almost cut yourself a large, fluffy slice. Check out her website to find this card available to buy.
Now, on to March in Toulouse, with a sprinkling of strikes and protests thrown in for flavour!
We’ve finally crossed winter’s finishing line - we all ran full-pelt, desperate for those longer days and an excuse to reduce our gas bills. The clocks have fast-forwarded by an hour and at 8pm here, it’s still sunny, terraces are spilling with punters, and Gaylord and I have suddenly noticed our garden is an absolute jungle. We don’t own a lawn mower so I suppose those hip-high grasses are here to stay!
However, while warmer, sunnier weather keeps the spirits up, it doesn’t stop the nation’s anger at Enemy No. 1. Two weeks ago, Macron’s government used their right to apply article 49.3, acting against the assembly vote to impose pension reform across France. Macron finally showed himself on national TV, where he not only angrily and aggressively defended his use of this undemocratic article that gives the government the right to override votes, but he insisted that it brought him no pleasure to do so. The fact he has used this article 11 times in nine months says otherwise. (Also mid-way through the live interview, his 2,400 euro watch suddenly went missing - either we need look out for the sneakiest of watch thieves or Macron had realised his bling was somewhat inappropriate).
To say the French are unhappy is an understatement.