Hi, let me introduce myself – I’m Ally!

I’m a chef, food writer, and one of those kinds of people who must eat every two hours.

Last year, I moved to Toulouse in France. As I adjust to the language, the joie de vivre and nonchalance of the French, I eat a lot of baguettes and critically assess the pain au chocolat (or should I say ‘chocolatines’).

If you like to eat food that is delicious but also messy and inherently easy to make, and meanwhile you want to sink your teeth into some vaguely witty musings, then this is the blog for you.

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Meanwhile, check out my food blog for all my recipes and stories.

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Stories and lots of unfussy recipes to try, all from my kitchen in Toulouse


Food writer and chef who moved to France. Eating my way through daily baguettes and telling stories about my new French life